So I'll get some things out before bedtime (kids are sleeping so why am I not sleeping?)
It seems like everytime they're in bed I try to get stuff done - it's my free time I guess. Then I get so tired during the day because I haven't got as much sleep as I need to. It's a vicious cycle... waaaaahhhhh!
I had a ladies tea at my church tonight.
I think it went pretty good. I did a devotional on Fruit of the Spirit. I think it's pretty cool that when I start doing a study to "teach" other's - I learn new things myself.
I sometimes wonder if anyone gets anything out of them or are they just meant for me!
My latest discovery on the Fruit (found in Galatians 5:22) is that I don't need to strive to be "good" - I need to strive to be like Christ and natural results will be fruit.
Seems so easy when I see it typed out...
I also found The Message translation on self-control particularly interesting:
“A person without self-control is like a house with it’s doors and windows knocked out.” Proverbs 25:28
I have never thought of self-control in this manner before...
With this translation it seems that when I don't practice self-control it leaves me vulnerable and open to the outside world - anyone could come and steal something from me.
So all in all I think everything went good. Of course, after I'm done, I always think of something else I could've done or not done but I prayed about it and I'm leaving it there.
Although I do want to give my husband kudos for his help with everything - he's so supportive when I do things like this. He gave me my centerpiece ideas as well! I'm so proud! My years of watching decorating shows is paying off! LOL!
Okay I'm exhausted....goodnight...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
A new part of being a Parent
Well we've definitely embraced parenthood before today but last night was a new thing.
We had "Back to School" night at Sarah's preschool. It was so cute and fun! We feel authentic now. LOL!
Kids weren't suppose to come, it was just for the parents, so we had our friends parents watch our little ones.
Our baby boy is turning out to be a stinker for everyone! He cried almost the whole time...ugh... poor Mrs. H - especially with 3 other kids to watch.
He's a mommy's boy right now - so is an absolute angel for me. I'm not just saying that because he's my child - I know when a kid won't stop screaming...
Sarah was the same way, and now is so independent so I'm sure our little boy will change too...
Shawn went on a field trip to a farm with Sarah and her class today - so I had to attach a picture of the cute overalls her Grandma made her.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Our beautiful little boy...
Almost 3 years later we were blessed with another child.
This past June we welcomed a little boy into our family.
He was born at 38 weeks - 9lbs 7oz 23" long.
He is the absolute sweetest little baby. He loves to snuggle, cuddle (is that the same thing?) and always ready to give a smile!
He'll be 4 months old next week - wow - 4 months have flown by already!
He rolled over the 1st time on Sunday Oct. 5 and hasn't done it since.
Not worried is a little easier without him mobile right now!
Is it just me or does everyone always seem so curious if you breastfeed your baby or not?
Anyway, life has gotten a bit busier and I definitely have days that I look like a worn down SAHM. Maybe when I get to sleep through the night I can start getting up and getting ready each morning. He's not sleeping all the way through yet...and maybe you guessed it but yes I nurse my baby. Exclusively right now. It's just something I want to do for me and him but I'm not a nipple nazi to whomever chooses different feeding sources. That being said...he wakes up 2 - 3x a night for feedings.
I'm so glad Shawn helps out as much as he does! Except for the feedings (unless I pump.) I'd pay some good money for him to be able to help out with that though and to experience that vice grip latch every feeding time :) LOL!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Our darling daughter

Our beautiful girl was born after we'd been married 4 years in August of 2005. It seemed to be the hottest summer ever - maybe because I was big as a circus tent! But to my defense - she was a pretty big baby... 10lbs and 23" long. My sister came for her birth and we were on TLC's "A Baby Story."
I was so amazed at the love I automatically felt for her. I had never experienced that kind of love before. Made me understand (a tiny bit) how much God loves us.
She's absolutely beautiful and has such a joy in her eyes.
It's been so fun, joyful, exhausting, and every other emotion too, these past 3 years.
We still managed to travel a bit after she was born. We visited family in the NW, family in Kentucky, we got to tag along on a business trip with Shawn to Switzerland and Italy, and Shane took us on a really nice cruise to the Caribbean.
Lately she says, "Mommy, you're my best fwend."
I love it!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Our lives before children

We first moved to NY after we were married with Shawn's job (OP's Man) and I worked p/t at RIT. It was good for us to be away from any family but I think 3000 miles away was a bit too much! Although, now, that seems so long ago.
I do have to comment on Lake Ontario - the BIGGEST lake I've ever seen in my life! I couldn't even see the other side - looked like the ocean minus big rolling white waves. It was really neat - especially when Shane took us out on his boat.
After 5 or so months we moved here to an apt. Which had the BIGGEST black 1000-legged bugs I've ever seen in my life! I still don't even know what those things are called but they were black/brown with about 50 legs on each side, 3" long and about 1" across. UGH!!! I just got the shivers...
Shawn stayed with his company and I started working at Princeton University. Met some great people there! We also found a great church and made friends there!
Then we did a little bit of travelling...before children.
Went to Niagara Falls. - yep, it's awesome.
We took a trip to Bermuda! So pretty and such a beautiful color of turquoise water along with a pink sandy beach. Met some cool pirates!
Went to Disneyworld - so fun staying at the Dolphin and visiting different parks each day. Although we're partial to Magic Kingdom...definitely has a bit of "magic." Shane was the BEST host ever!
Went to NYC many many times...novelty has definitely worn off by now! But it's always fun to hop on the train and go to dinner and a Broadway show.
Saw the devastation of 9/11...on 10/11...absolutely heart wrenching seeing all the candle vigils and pictures of missing people. My sister was with us visiting...
Went to Wash. DC. and got to be in the same room when the House voted on the war in Iraq.
Went to see how the Amish live in PA. Very interesting, I thought.
This all seems so long ago...before children.
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