
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Not what I thought

So I thought blogging would be easier then it has turned out to be. I get SO busy and forget completely about it!
When I was little I tried the diary thing and wasn't good at keeping it up to date either - not sure why I thought an online diary would be different?!?!?
Hmmm...let me think about what's going on these days...
DD (Darling daughter) started preschool last week. We ended up not liking it so have decided to start homeschooling her this year and see how it goes.
I went over a little bit of the curriculum with her and we had a really good time! I told her I am going to teach her at home now and she told me "I was a really good teacher." HA - soo funny!

I did make a HUGE boo boo last weekend and thought dance class started on Sat. well I guess it starts this Sat... ugh...big crocodile tears pouring out of her eyes and she yelled at me to take her to another dance class. Had to get myself out of that one with a chocolate donut. Which I NEVER do but it was major to her so I had to find a major cure! She cheered right up and talked to everybody in the donut shop. My girl loves chocolate - which I can't blame her one bit :)

My little buddy, on the other hand has started YELLING at us. He can't talk yet but wants to communicate so will just scream and point. Oh I hope the words come soon!!! The constant yelling grates on the nerves and ears...good thing he's so darn adorable :) Oh and he LOVES going outside to play.
DD was so nice and took him around on her 4-wheeler today. He kicked and screamed for about 20 min.'s when it was time to come inside. Oh this age is hard...they just don't get explaining anything yet...I know it will fly by though...
So I keep going back and forth about having another baby and today I'm good with the 2 we have. We're blessed. I love my kiddies.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Awww...I can't wait to see everyone! I would have stopped crying for a doughnut too! Hopefully I'll see you guys in October! OXOX